
Local news & advice

Stay informed on all aspects of home buying and selling with articles that provide you the advice you need to give you the edge in any market!

LEED Benefits For Homeowners

LEED Benefits For Homeowners

Environmental sustainability is becoming more and more important every year. Fortunately, homeowners have many opportunities …

How To Deal With Difficult Neighbors

How To Deal With Difficult Neighbors

Dealing with difficult neighbors can be stressful and uncomfortable, but it’s important to quickly resolve …

The Essential Rules Of a Successful Kitchen Reno

The Essential Rules Of a Successful Kitchen Reno

A kitchen remodel is a great way to refresh and revitalize your home. For many …

Preventing Pet Pests And Protecting Your Home

Preventing Pet Pests And Protecting Your Home

As the warm weather approaches, you’re probably looking forward to spending more time outdoors. Spring …

Freshen-up Your Patio Style For Warm Weather

Freshen-up Your Patio Style For Warm Weather

Your patio can be the perfect place to host a party or enjoy some quiet …

Renovations That Decline Your Client’s Home Value

Renovations That Decline Your Client’s Home Value

Home renovations are a great way to upgrade your living space. Many homeowners take on …

How To Prevent Water Damage This Spring

How To Prevent Water Damage This Spring

Water damage is one of the most costly and inconvenient challenges homeowners face, especially in …

10 Tips That Make Your Home Look Expensive

10 Tips That Make Your Home Look Expensive

You don’t have to invest thousands of dollars into your home to make it feel …